Sunday, June 10, 2012

Give 'em all, expect none

Dear blog,
Though you consider yourself as a generous helpful person or not, you might have come across situations where it seems like even though you've done and tried your ass off something or to help someone, you ain' quite getting anything. That my friend, might be the worst mistake a wise man would ever make. If you're helping out someone don' help 'em out with something in the back of your head. If you're doing something, always do it from your heart. In a simple day to day act or even in a big land fair donation, don' expect even a simple thank you. They might appreciate it if they're nice enough, that's jus' their business. Jus' don' give a shit of what the others might say, good or bad, if you're doing it from your heart n' if you know that it is right. Bottom line, "Give 'em all, expect none"
-Irosha de Silva

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